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利亚特曼’s portrait hangs on a well-known wall in Agnes Scott’s Alston Student Center.  艺术家Yehimi Cambron ' 14在2016年创作了一个肖像系列, 九名艾格尼丝·斯科特的学生和他们的故事.  特曼, 她被选中的时候,谁是一年级学生, 将这幅肖像视为她艾格尼丝·斯科特遗产的开端.  “我以为, 他们把我的脸放在上面, 现在我得做点什么了,’”特曼反思道, 现任班长.

对于这个斯科特, “做(ing),展开意味着完成峰会的全球专业化, leading in various capacities of the college’s Student Government Association, 在危地马拉和阿根廷留学, 提交学术论文发表, 作为写作导师和同伴顾问,为她的同龄人提供建议, 和, 当然, 参加阿格尼斯·斯科特合唱团, 大学合唱团.

这是特曼最近的成就?  2020年4月, soon after the college had pivoted to remote learning as a response to the Coronavirus, 她接到了正规博彩十大网站排名院长扎克的电话.  特罗特曼被任命为杜鲁门学者, the college’s first recipient since 2009 和 the fifth since the program’s inception in 1975. The Truman Scholarship is a fellowship for students recognized for their goals 和 excellence in public service 和 leadership.  She was one of 62 scholars named from the 773 applicants representing 316 colleges 和 universities. 

然后, 在12月, 特曼, 在美国只有46名学生, 获得了被命名的荣誉 马歇尔奖学金获得者 which is one of the most competitive scholarship programs in the world. This was the program's first majority-minority class in the scholarship's history, 包括来自亚特兰大地区的8名获奖者, 和 also made 特曼 the first-ever Marshall Scholarship recipient from the U.S. 属维尔京群岛. 作为接受者, she will receive full funding to study in the United Kingdom at institutions of her choice. The 国际关系 major says her college decision played a part in her connecting with these opportunities. 

“我想如果我去了一所更大的大学, I might not have been exposed to some of the things I was exposed to at Agnes. 我无法在其他地方复制这一点. ”


特曼 made this impactful decision during her senior year at Peter Gruber International Academy, St .的一所国际文凭高中. 托马斯,美属维尔京群岛.  她描述了她的家和她在圣. 托马斯。 with an undeniable fondness 和 works to replicate the impact of that community in every project 和 each community she touches.  

She recalls feeling unsure of attending a women’s college at the time of her college search, 但对学院提供的全球研究机会很感兴趣.  在她高中辅导员的鼓励下, 特曼 attended an Agnes Scott info session at her school proceeding a two-hour cafe chat with, 时任招生主任, Alexa的地方.  接下来的几个月, 特曼得到了周到和个性化的沟通, including several calls from the college 和 even an email from then Agnes Scott President, 伊丽莎白吻.  

These interpersonal connections solidified 特曼’s decision to make 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 her home, 和 remain the reason that Leah has chosen to stay at Agnes Scott for four years.  在被问到校园里谁是她的靠山之后, 特曼 lit up to share the names of her two best friends: Natasha Griffin 和 Kaitlyn Mills.  特曼 和 Griffin participated in a small group together during Legacy, Agnes Scott’s leadership immersion program that takes place during orientation, 特曼说, 从那以后,他们就没有分开过.”  Leah shared, “We were on the phone when I submitted my Rhodes application.” 

特曼’s belief in interpersonal connections, like the ones she finds at Agnes Scott 和 in St. 托马斯。, 指导她现在做的社区工作, 以及她希望毕业后继续从事的工作.  她发表的论文, 一个未被探索的联系:中美洲移民危机, 气候变化, 和 Green Theory explores Central American Migration through the lens of Green Theory.  她参考了这篇文章, which readers can find in Latin America 和 Policy Journal: A Harvard Kennedy School Student Publication, as a “call to action about why we need policies that center the environment.” 

Her coursework at Agnes Scott has influenced her underst和ing of such topics 和 the work that she can do to support communities impacted by the climate crisis.  She describes 国际关系 as the way she frames the world--through the lenses of colonialism, 女权主义, 绿色理论, 例如, 和公共卫生, as a means to develop tangible answers as to how to create change.

当被问及她在艾格尼丝·斯科特最具影响力的课程时, 特曼描述了她的一门课, 由Waqas Khwaja教授讲授的思想去殖民化.  “Post colonialism is such an effective lens to look at the Caribbean 和 Latin America,特曼宣称, “谈话很精彩.”  特曼 also highlights the opportunity she had to meet Author, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, 他们在课堂上读谁的作品, 在2019年学院的年度作家节上.  



“Now it’s coming full circle as we work on a resolution about decolonizing our curriculum,特曼说。, alluding to a recent effort by the Student Government Association to challenge colonial constructs within the syllabi 和 overall curriculum at the college.  “学术界的人认为变革是缓慢的,” she declares  “I want to push the needle in terms of what is the norm.”  

在这样的努力中, 特曼 sees herself as an ally 和 voice for the students who elected her, meaning sometimes challenging the administration 和 their policies.  “这就是我们的文科教育的目的,她解释道, “我喜欢看这些智力挑战, 这也是我将继续做的.”

So, how does 特曼 plan to continue engaging in these challenges as an ally, 社区成员,即将成为文科毕业生?  She is currently applying for fellowships like the Rhodes 奖学金 和 considering service opportunities like the Peace Corps.  不管这些机会有多珍贵, 特曼有意地处理每个应用程序, reflecting deeply on her own purpose as well as the historic role of the organizations she seeks to represent, “Am I applying because I want to advance these communities or am I conforming to this system?她不断地问自己.  特曼 is also considering a Masters in Public Health down the line.  She would like to work for local public health departments 和 consider natural disaster response in her work 和 her studies.  

当然, moving on to these exciting next steps means first graduating from Agnes Scott, a bittersweet concept for those community members who’ve been impacted by 特曼’s time on campus, 为她的成功加油.  当被问及她希望留下什么遗产时, 她回想着自己在奥尔斯顿的画像, 她的文字在展览中很显眼.  “我在书中谈到了社区,她解释道, “我希望人们记住我是一个走进房间的人, 让别人微笑或让他们感到被倾听. 我希望每个和我接触过的人都知道这就是我, 一个关心人际关系的人...一个为学生们竭尽全力的人.” 

关于 the writer: Jade Domingue is the Senior Assistant Director of 入学 at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院.  一个自豪的新奥尔良人,文科毕业生, 杰德以B的成绩毕业于新奥尔良洛约拉大学.A. in English 和 a notebook full of creative writing, finished 和 otherwise.  当她不歌颂像利亚这样的苏格兰人时, Jade喜欢独自旅行, 烤巧克力饼干, 讨论交叉性女权主义, 花时间和朋友在一起, 家庭, 还有一只叫艾尔法巴的小黑猫. 

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